

1. 以“父母应不应该为孩子保管压岁钱”为题,写一篇议论文?



2. 以父母是否应该为了省钱,在孩子上学期间带孩子去旅游,为题,写一篇200词的英语作文,得给出自己的观

It was sunny and warm today.I went to the beach near my home with my best friend Jim.It took us twenty minutes to get there by bike.We walked on the beach,played games,swam in the sea and built up a sand castle.We didn't go home until 5:00 in the afternoon.Although we felt tired,we were happy because we really had a good time.

3. 写一篇以我的暑假为题的英语作文初一50词左右

My summer holiday 
I had a happy summer holiday because I did many interesting things. 
I went to the beach and I swam in the sea.I called my friend and played with them.I visited my grandparents and ate much delicious food.
Then I went to the zoo whit my sister.I was very happy.Because I saw a lot of animals.They were very lovely.So I took photos of all animals.I liked the butterflies best.They were colourful and beautiful.My sister liked it too. 
I had a wonderful summer holiday this year.What about you? Can you tell me somthing about it?


4. 以我的压岁钱为题写一篇作文

我的压岁钱我做主 大年三十的晚上,我们一家和大伯、两个叔叔、姐姐、妹妹欢天喜地地在奶奶家里吃年夜饭。这时,爸爸们的兴头正高,奶奶把手伸进了口袋了掏了掏,对我们姐妹四个人说我的乖孙女哟!发压岁钱喽!”紧接着的是一阵欢呼声,然后奶奶笑眯眯地从衣袋里拿出四个大小相同的红包分给了我们。 第二天一早,我就在家里苦思冥想用压岁钱干什么好呢?去买一大包很久都没吃的零食?还是去拿去缴学费呢?我想如果拿去缴学费的话!我就不能吃到我那些”盼望以久的零食了%!我到底应该怎么办?……还是去缴学费吧,零食吃不吃并不重要,这样还可以替爸爸妈妈减轻负担呢!” 第三天,我上街买东西,看到希望工程正在为一个12岁连幼儿园都没有上过的失学儿童捐款,我想我的压岁钱缴了学费还剩一部分,就把那些钱捐了吧!”于是,我跑回家拿了钱捐给了希望工程。 虽然自己的压岁钱自己做主,但也要合理利用,不要让压岁钱成为你学坏的源头。

        每逢岁末年尾,孩子们的心情便会变得难以抑制的澎湃和激动,幼稚,浪漫的心底涌出一个个不可思议,大胆新奇的希望与计划,设想着亲朋好友送给自己的年终奖赏:压岁钱。究竟有多少,我的奋斗目标是否能够达到。 每逢一放寒假,我的春风计划便早早的从腹中脱颖而出了,跃跃欲试地幻想着即将拥有的一切。最新的词典。刚出的光盘,游戏卡,日本卡通画册,神气十足的米老鼠书包,以及五光十色的贴纸,光怪陆离的小食品,我的购买欲望日益膨胀,从来也没有想到这样做母亲是否承受得了。但是每当我收到压岁钱以后,父母总会生出千万个理由,用花言巧语从我的手中抽走纸币,那上边还留有客人和我手掌的余温哪。我有些心不甘,但是每当我看到母亲为过节心力交瘁,处心积虑的时候,我又有些于心不忍了。是啊,在平时,他们为生活所破,节衣缩食,极少为自己添置心仪钟爱的服饰,零嘴,即使是去拜访兄弟姐妹,也是匆匆忙忙地从早市上买件并不时髦的化纤衣服了事,看上去又土气又过七,可是她仍然会欣喜若狂,心满意足。我的心里充满了对父母的不解与困惑,他们难道不知道社会流行色吗,也许是工作环境不允许吧,剥夺走了我的压岁钱还唠叨说,不会过日子怎么行呢。 尽管如此,每当新学期来临,当我的心中烦恼骤生,怒气满腔的时候,母亲总会早早地把洗得干净的校服放在我的床头,父亲把崭新的书包,学具摆放在书桌上。我的目光从迷惑不解逐渐的变得有点茅塞顿开,原来,为了我的将来和前途,父母用压岁钱为我的明天添加动力和勇气,纠正那些不良的奢靡习气,从小养成良好的品格,我为他们的言行深深感化陶醉了。 进入中学以后,繁重的学习任务压迫得我喘不过气来,父母为了我的学业费尽心机,绞尽脑汁,可我却总是沉迷在娱乐,享受的国度里玩乐而不能自拔。聊社会不公,谈周围怪状,吹未来计划,侃飞天梦想,至于新春的压岁钱,我更会及时地纳入自己的腰包,制定自己快乐的飞计划啦。全然忘了一进入中年的父母。 但是今年的春节却使我幡然醒悟,茅塞顿开,压岁钱,其实就是父母用自己的血汗钱换来的,他们用真情实感联络起亲棚好友的纽带,同时也为我的成长创造铺平了道路。 我把今年的压岁钱如数交给了父母,让他们帮我存入银行,打理我的日常生活开支,彻底刹住我乱花钱的坏毛病,同时,父母勤俭朴素的生活作风也逐渐地,潜移默化地开始影响着我,在我的心底留下了深深的烙印。

5. 写一篇英语作文 题目新学期的决定 八年级 七十词左右


I have a warm family,I have fathers,mothers,and grandmothers,we live in a big house,every day,my mother get up earily to cook food,and my father go to work and send me to school by way,after school,my grandmother will send me back,every night we will get together to watch TV,and talking about what happened today,on sone sunday,we may have a tour or have a pinic in outside.we lived colorful,I like my family very much.

写一篇英语作文 题目新学期的决定 八年级 七十词左右

6. 以我的妹妹为题写一篇英语作文带翻译七十词

mother asks me to have guitar class. She thinks to learn more skill is good for me. I start to have guitar class... 全部展开

7. 我需要写一篇我和我父母的生活方式的英语作文,七十字左右

My Parents' past life
My father and mather get married when they are 25,and one year later,I was borned in this beautiful city,my parents love each other and both of them loves me a lot,they always buy a lot of things for me.when I grows up,they send me to the school,I love my family.



8. 写一篇保持身体健康的英语作文七十词带翻译

What is health? Health is to the body, heart disease, fully developed good!
Health, is also the whole with us more than ten years is a good partner, good friends, we can say is inseparable.
Health, is our pursuit, has been always aspire to the goal! If a person have a healthy body, a healthy culture, psychological health, is very, very happy and proud! If we do this at 3 o 'clock, is to reduce our life road, is also for our future happiness life of casting a good foundation.
Have a healthy body, should start from every little bit! Such as: partial eclipse, anorexia, not picky about food! And to do exercise every day! And drink more water, eat more fruit.
Have a healthy culture, should start from the self-control! When to learn cultural knowledge, not only should learn the content of the textbook, should also read extracurricular books! Holidays should also went to the library borrowing books, at the time of reading, one will have many young should not be read, not seeing, unhealthy things, this needs us self-discipline! Suck the essence, reasonably to absorb! So, it will enable us to maintain a healthy culture.
Have a healthy psychological, started to persevere! Mom and dad told me: "mental health and cultural health is equally important!" As long as have unrelenting drive to overcome difficulties. We communicate with parents and students every day! Students give us the advice, the teacher put forward our shortcomings, we should accept modestly. As far as possible with the students conflict!
High self-esteem, it is good, the teacher criticized us, we shed tears, because we know is wrong, is determined to begin to struggle! But your tears flow can't again, also often teach not to change! It's turned out to be a crocodile tears.
Made a mistake should have the right to face! Cannot because of a mistake but his lost vitality, become inert to hide himself in the deep can't communicate with others, this is not right!
Is a swift horse is always found by bole, right. But, nowadays, bole is always limited, swift horse is increasing, so the bole one by one, can not find you! You should actively show themselves to bole. In this way, you will have good results.
我们现在是少年时代的学生,应该以学为主,不能去少年不能去的地方,如:网吧、游戏厅等!应保持心里健康 ,我们一但进去,就险了进去,而不能自拔!
Now, we are young age students, should give priority to in order to learn, can't go to the young can't go to the places, such as Internet cafes, games, etc! Should maintain a healthy heart, but we go in, risks, and cannot extricate oneself!
Health, culture, health, healthy heart this time compared to mental health is harder to do some, but as long as you work hard, try again will keep this at 3 o 'clock!
To sum up. Health, culture, health, mental health these three points as long as the lack of a little, it is not a qualified students! So we should develop good habits! Always keep the instinctive quality of students, do not forget we are a primary school student! Let healthy is our good friend forever, let the partners around the us, forever!
Let the health accompanied by us grow forever!