英文 翻译


1. 英文 翻译

英文 翻译

2. 英文翻译

Abstract:Through the traditional art's history prolongation venation,from this ,we can know that art itself is an opening system, it constantly comes under the skill and consciousness's impact ,thus,it updates and develops.Its connotation and spirit are the consequence of the national history accumulating for a long time,and where  the China nation's special,and where is the soul of the nation model.If Chinese style wants a great development,it must absorbs some experience which is beneficial to our traditional  development,at the same time, it can service for our traditional architecture.From this idea,we can put the China traditional culture's understanding into a new highter world,and it breaks the bondage of tradition,it explore a new sort of space,at the same time ,it can bring into play the benefit of the China traditional construction style culture,it makes the culture connotation survived in the later history.At last, it creates a new kind of developed road for traditional construction style.

3. 英文翻译



4. 英文翻译

Adjust job plan timely according to order (any urgent order, increased order, injected order, and special order), new program and stock status.
推断出补单为Increased order
假设这次补单翻译为 this order is an increased one
The material requisition is the consumption of the previous products sales.

5. 英文翻译







6. 英文翻译

Total Global Steel was founded in 1999; our principal business being the international trade and global distribution of steel and raw materials. The Company’s trading team and Directors have a long history in international commodities and futures trade, providing Total Global Steel access to some of the largest financial markets, and commodities exchanges.全球钢铁公司成立于1999年,主要业务是钢材和其他原材料的国际贸易和运输。交易团队和董事会已在国际市场和期货贸易中历练多年,使我们和世界上最大的金融市场和商品交换。 

We specialise in physical metal trading, the European Energy markets, derivatives, hedging/market speculation, online commerce and LME brokerage. We are able to offer customized solutions in the derivates markets to a wide range of clients. Authorised and regulated by the FSA (no.479701) and, as such, are able to offer futures contracts to all our clients, by integrating the strengths of some of the leading steel providers in the world. This provides the ability to lock in profit margins and manage price risk, or alternatively, to speculate on the metals, softs and financial markets. 
我们专注于物理金属贸易专业,欧洲能源市场,衍生产品,对冲/投机市场,在线商务和伦敦金属交易所的经纪业务。我们可以为大量客户提供定制的衍生品市场解决方案。我们已经过美国联邦安全署 (FSA no.479701)的授权,并由其严格监管。因此,我们通过整合的世界领先钢铁供应商的一些优势后,能够向所有客户提供期货合约。它可以控制利润率并管理价格风险,或者对金属,软商品和金融市场进行推测。
Total Global Steel trades physically in all of the London Metal Exchange warrantable materials, thus enabling us to deliver a full range of base metals all over the world. We’re committed to ensuring our clients are provided with metals of the highest quality including Copper, Nickel, Tin and Zinc at prices that are reflective of today’s competitive market place. By trading in all of the London Metal Exchange warrantable materials, we can deliver a huge range of base metals all over the world and within 48 hours in most cases. What’s more Total Global Steel’s vast range of resources and capabilities also means we can provide customised solutions. 
As international metal traders, we’re committed to reducing emissions and energy usage via our environmental management systems. If you operate within electricity, gas and emissions industries you’ll know that it will soon be mandatory for individuals and businesses to account their carbon usage. At Total Global Steel we can help you educate your work force on how to reduce their carbon footprints ; enabling you to stay in line with evolving legislation. 

What We Do 
We distinguish ourselves from our competitors, through the extensive range of products that the company now distributes, working closely with world-class vendors throughout the multitude of industries that we serve. Total Global Steel is able to store products throughout the country at strategic locations, enabling us to respond quickly. 
In the Port of Sunderland we propose to build a 20,000 sq/ft facility for the production of cut and bent reinforcing rod, as well as an extensive stockyard and fabrication works dedicated to the comprehensive stocks of reinforcing bars and mesh. This is the main distribution and fully bonded cargo handling facility for the company.
在桑德兰港口,我们建议建造 20,000平方米/英尺的设施以切割产品和对强化金属杆的折弯,以及大型仓库和组装厂,以对多种板状和网状材料加工。这将是主要的物流和货物加工地。 


7. 英文翻译

1.Everyone in my class has many hobbies.
2.Please come and meet my parents. They want to know you very much.
3.Daniel likes playing computer games very much.
4.My sister loves studying and she works hard.
5.Kitty is one of the school dancing club.
6.Does Peter learn Chinese well?
7.Sandy is tall and thin,and she is polite and ready to help others.
8.We sometimes play football at the soccer field after school.
9.Amy often chats with her friends in the classroom at lunch.
10.It time that Mille and his classmates went to PE class.
11.I have a cousin and he is in class two grade seven.
12.Does Simon play tennis well? Yes, he loves sports.
13.Which game do you prefer, badminton or table tennis?
14.She is tall and thin and looks beautiful.
15.Every morning I go jogging for an hour and a half.



8. 英文翻译

《奈德梦游记》是一个动画电视连续剧,1997年在美国广播公司播了25集,是迪斯尼的动画和演示文稿的第一尝试,仿效尼克的许多青春期前和青春期前的漫画。该系列的重点是小奈德·尼德梅耶尔,如他通过噩梦处理他的恐惧和麻烦。对于噩梦的缘由会在剧集的开始部分出现。其他人物包括奈德的父亲——埃德·尼德梅耶尔,和他的母亲——尼德梅耶尔夫人。 奈德的噩梦往往非常阴暗,差不多哥特式感性的超现实主义,类似于蒂姆·伯顿(《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的导演)的作品。该节目从未发布家庭录像带版本,目前也没有发行DVD的计划。